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Learn time

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What is the "learn time" in miles for a new system? Also, getting some backfire under load. Initial timing is 10 and advanced is 31.  MSD is controlled by the FITECH unit.

Need to look at a datalog for your backfire.  Make sure you have adequate fuel pressure.

As for learn time.  The initial learn time requires some regular stop and go driving with some coast and highway speeds.  20-30 miles will get a lot done.  Of course the unit is always learning.

Now, if your initial settings and install is not correct, you will be chasing your tail.  Do a datalog at idle for 30 seconds at or above 170 degrees.  Link here with Dropbox or Cloud.

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I'll get a data log as soon as I get it to run  cooler.  I saw in other posts that the temp sensor is an issue.  My Classic Instruments gauge reads 235 and the hand held says 210.  I have the fan on temp set low at 170.  Won't come on until over 200.  Any disadvantage to not have the FITECH control the fans?

There are several choices to monitor.  Which one should I do?  Not sure I'm doing the data logging correctly.  Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Are the fans coming 9n at 200 by the Fitech reading or gauge reading?

To datalog just push the toggle button in...  Then the same to stop log.

210 gauge  and fitech.  I changed the CTS this morning. Fans set to come on at 174.

It says I can't upload files with that file extension.  Tried dropbox and excel.

You can't upload.  Must leave a link.

I'm clueless. Can I email it to you?

Post it to Fitech Tuning Forum.  That is my group also.

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