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Fitech NewsLatest updates on products1 Topic · 30 PostsLast post: Coolant Temp Sensor adjustment · 4 years ago · Cruzer
Website NewsKeeping you updated on changes and member benefits8 Topics · 44 PostsLast post: Online Fitech Course · 3 years ago · 7.4 4x4
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New EFI Website Now OpenNew website for Fitech products now open and serving customers. Visit Topics · 8 PostsLast post: Ultra High-Speed Single-Row Cylind … · 3 months ago · sandoval
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Throttle Body unitsServiceable Parts and Installation Accessories20 Topics · 82 PostsLast post: IAC Delete · 4 days ago · wb292
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Show off your FiTechPics of your ride or Fitech install110 Topics · 289 PostsLast post: replica Breitling Watches of 2024 · 1 month ago · kaigeo
Your buildGive us the details of your build. Be as detailed as possible.40 Topics · 119 PostsLast post: 1983 Jeep CJ7 Chevy 350 · 2 years ago · FrankW
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New to FiTechAnswers to help you understand the capabilities and features available178 Topics · 1,247 PostsLast post: Why no zoomies? · 1 month ago · tragic
Basic InstallationLast post
Common installation questionsBasic requirements and pointers74 Topics · 405 PostsLast post: No Tach/RPM, fires wont run · 1 week ago · Pratto
Initial TuningLast post
Before you crankInitial programming and start up17 Topics · 86 PostsLast post: Initial setup IAC menu different f … · 11 months ago · SodaPop
ElectricalLast post
Wiring requirementsProper wiring and optional accessories53 Topics · 265 PostsLast post: Fan Ground Trigger Capability · 7 months ago · SodaPop
Fuel SystemLast post
Fuel delivery and regulatorsFuel System requirements and custom systems74 Topics · 397 PostsLast post: Injection unit not functioning. · 7 months ago · SodaPop
Fuel CommanderInstallation and adjustment7 Topics · 73 PostsLast post: FCC2 and pwm setting · 5 years ago · VintageSpeed2
IgnitionLast post
Ignition requirementsBasic Ignition system and tuning32 Topics · 198 PostsLast post: Solved! No spark at 3000rpm after … · 7 months ago · Jonas
General TuningLast post
Tuning issuesCold start, IAC, AFR, etc340 Topics · 2,459 PostsLast post: Latest IAC adjustment instructions … · 16 hours ago · bsagreg
NitrousLast post
Topics on using Nitrous with FiTechPower Adder and Naturally Aspirated systems2 Topics · 4 PostsLast post: Progressive controllers · 6 years ago · jimd
Forced InductionLast post
Turbo and BlowerTopics concerning boosted applications18 Topics · 99 PostsLast post: froze up throttle body · 2 years ago · pwking13
Ultimate LS systemsLast post
LS usersAsk and find your solutions for the LS systems139 Topics · 759 PostsLast post: was running now no start · 4 weeks ago · rearview
FuelsLast post
E85Tuning and quirks when using E852 Topics · 14 PostsLast post: My take on tuning with e85 · 4 years ago · mookandairin
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