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I have no idea how you wired it.

There's 3 temp units in the motor. 1 in the passenger side head for the fitech, 1 in the intake for the gauge, and another in the intake for the fans and A/C. I'm going to remove the fan ground wires from their sending unit and see what happens.  I'll check my wiring diagrams first.


If you want the Fitech to run your fan, get rid of any other controls.  Simply use a 40 amp relay with Yellow Fitech wire on the ground side of the relay coil.  Nothing else is needed.

Put your Fitech temp sensor in the intake.  It will then be closer to your gauge temp.

If you want a switch for the fan when A/C is activated, the easiest way is too wire another 40 amp relay using the clutch circuit to switch.

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