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Running fine, died at idle and is now so rich it won’t run

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Hope this is the right place to post.  I just installed a 600 system on a stock 351w in a docile bronco.  I bought from a friend with  ritually the same setup.

just got it installed and it runs. Ive been needing your give two prime shots for it to fire up even when warm which I would like to solve but that me not why I’m posting.

ive has suspensions issues which means so far I’ve only idled it a handful of times for a while and it’s been good.  Finally got the truck drivable and took it for a spin.

I got it together and after two prime shots it fired up. Went on a 10 minute drive, including full-throttle pulls, decel, stop and go.


it ran great. Shockingly and amazingly great.
got home, pulled in and checked some numbers.  It showed 195 temp, and was idling fine albeit a little above target.  I shut it off, waited a few mins and tried to restart.  It cranked but didn't fire so I tried again and it fired right up.  I really think this thing needs more fuel than one shot offers.
regardless, it was idling for maybe 2 minutes while I was looking through the menu and it just died. Instantly.

Fired it back up and it started stumbling and died.  I can restart and it fires up great for one second but starts stumbling really bad. with pedal to floor I can keep it alive for a bit but it is crazy rich.
Waited for 15 mins and same thing but watching the afr it shows 14.7 but there is no way that's right.
could my o2 sensor happened to have just taken a massive dump?

i don't have an operational pc right now so I can't get logs.  Ugh.   I'll be working on that.

Is your IAC count within the proper range?

65 GTO with built 406 Chevy smallblock, Fitech

developed a vacuum leak?

Great call on vacuum leak.  I was hopeful but no dice.

what should the idle step be and where to find/check? On dashboard it is at 220

i did find target rpm on the dash is at 50960. I know rev limit is set for 5500


also my fuel pw on the dash is 25.22 but I’m running off of a relay so I thought I disabled pwm by setting it to 100.

finally on this last attempt the afr was around 10.5 as it was stumbling and died

Had a thought...  I am running the fuel pump off of a relay triggered by the fitech orange wire.

It is a efi tank and I believe the pump is a 255lh unit.  I do not have a fuel pressure gauge hooked up.  I just ordered one and expect to learn something then

is it possible that the high fuel pressure has broken something in the fitech unit?



I am not an expert, but the unit has a inbuilt pressure regulator, you do have a return line to the tank? Pressure rating not flow rate more important to me.

I  had a points distributor for initial startup before changing to Petronix conversion, good at first but points must have started to arc, noise upset ICU and it started to run rich. Do you have any fault codes? Doesn't take much to upset ICU, new car wiring designed to stop interference.

Definitely have a return line.  But I also have a pertronix unit and the coil is not far from the throttlebody.

perhaps it screwed up the unit.  It seems like more than just interference as it was running great and then bam - it died and runs like crap.

I submitted a form to fitech but haven’t heard anything yet.  I really hope the rumors of horrible customer Service aren’t true but I’m not hopeful.

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