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Just off idle stutter, throttle barely open (SOLVED)

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I posted my log sheet and your graph on a Facebook group and immediately it was recognized by another user with the same issue. He changed his cam setting number lower from 3 to 2 and it fixed his issue. Mine was at 3 so I went to 2 and viola! The stumble issue is gone! I posted the data log from my test run. The first being the rpm hunting at around 60-70 mph (still an issue) and the 2nd being my start/stop just off idle log.

Great work and thanks for your help with this. I will enjoy this for a spell and then dive into the rpm hunting issue. Once that is conquered she should be running perfect. 🙂

Ok, I made sense out of it.  Here's the before and after (cam3 and cam2 settings).  I don't know why I didn't notice this before, my bad, but the AFR trim before was at 40, indicating it was trying to compensate for a bad cam setting, and ended up taking away too much fuel off idle.  Now with the new cam setting, AFR trim magnitude is much less, and AFR stays close to the commanded AFR.  Glad you got that resolved.

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mysimonjess has reacted to this post.

Hey not anybody’s bad. It was a group effort across forums. Your graphs got attention and caused someone to react. Thanks for all your help!

bdhulderman and mysimonjess have reacted to this post.

Smoove, Which cam are you running?  Great thread BD...good info for all!

Matt, I was at 3 and moved it to 2

im have a similar problem,what size cam are you using,i have the texas speed n/a cam 229/244 .629"/615" 112 LSA,and i have my cam setting on 2 i just wonder if i need to change that

Depends a lot on what vacuum you have at idle, but if you take a log at idle, we can roughly tell you what cam you should be running.  With you specs I would estimate 2 to start.  Even though you have good lift, you have 112 LSA, which gives you more vacuum at idle.

mysimonjess has reacted to this post.

how do i upload my log to here

Many people open free dropbox account and set for public access and share the link hear.



I had this logfile issue. I had to delete the folder containing these empty files. Once deleted, future folders were re-created and new files added that actually contained data. Seems to be working OK still.

Richard Reich
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