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Rich on low rpm cruise

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1-2 points rich over target AFR at ~2200RPM. 427w 30062. Plan is to tune IAC step to below 10 (31 now), then start pulling fuel by raising target AFR's.  Replaced bad CTS and swapped locations with Mech gage. Temp readings are same now on both FiTech and mech gage sensors. Plugs are rich but not wet. Feel like a retard for asking, but where the hell is the IAC adjustment screw(s) on the 30062, and do I adjust them both or just the primary. I think I know but cannot find a visual reference in the manual, google, youtube, or this site. Please check out the attached log and render advice, especially if you know what ur looking at. Thanks

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I got the IAC stable at 8. Car still seems to go rich cruise at ~2300rpm when under load (Up slight hill.)  It also goes rich when I let off the throttle from there, but it goes lean when I let off from higher RPM. Should I just drive it to see if it learns its way out of this, or make an adjustment? Thanks

Mkm492, hard to pin point your problem with the information given.  Give me little more info.

Cam specs, cam setting, c.i.d., timing control, temp over 170, O2 placement

Default settings are rich in most cases.  Liability reasons.  Want to make sure all the basics are good before you start getting deep into tuning.  With aftermarket EFI, if you skip a step, you may end up chasing the tune and never be happy.

Thanks for the reply. 427W with 30062 2x4. MSD dizzy and box. I'm not using FiTech timing control feature. I've partially covered my radiator with cardboard to keep temp between 185-190 (Will be getting a hotter thermostat .) O2 sensor is ~16" down header on #3 cylinder. Cam is pulling ~8 inches at idle, so I have it set to 3. Timing is 10 at idle and 32 at 3000 rpm. Thanks again.

Ok, stop tuning.  We need to take care of some basics.

Why are you covering radiator?  Do you have a temp gauge?  Fitech sensor is notorious for being bad.

O2 sensor should be installed after header collector, not in header tube.

Cam setting may be correct.  Let's fix issue O2 and temp sensor issue. Set IAC around 15 steps.  Datalog at idle for 30 seconds, with temp over 170.  Post here as a link from Cloud or Dropbox.

Be patient, we will get you going soon.

The FiTech CTS was bad, never reading above 136F. It was replaced and reads consistent with dash gauge now. O2 sensor is going to be a challenge. The car is an FFR MK4 Roadster, and this is how it came from the builder. I agree it needs to be moved to just past the collector. It will take me some time to relocate/weld up a new O2 sensor bung, so i'm spinning my wheels till I get that done.  Thanks.

That sucks.  Good luck.  You are and will continue to fight issues until sensor is moved.  Nothing like trying to fix someone elses install.  Well, I guess I do that almost everyday.😂


Moved the o2 sensor to after the collector. That really changed my IAC. I lowered it to 15 and did a 30 second log at idle. I'll try to attach it, but this is it on drop box if that doesn't work.


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I would be happy with that.  Maybe others would see issues, but it looks pretty good to me.  The only thing I'm a little concerned about is the engine temp of 188 with 84 ambient at idle.  I haven't seen my car get to that temp at idle.  How do the plugs look?  Do you like the color?  On my engine I like a milk chocolate brown to keep the temp down, just a thought.

The plugs were showing rich, but not wet before. First log since moving o2 sensor. I'll be changing  plugs tomorrow, and hope they're looking better than they did.  Major problems over rich (long story). Ambient at 84, is that in the engine bay? I'm just happy the FiTech's not reading 136F like it was till I relocated and replaced the CTS. Was warmer out today, and I'm fine with 184F. Keeping it above 170F makes me, and it, happy. I'm wondering if I should raise my target idle AFR to 14. Hopefully, everything is sorted now so the car will tune itself. I am concerned with drop in AFR at 2300rpm cruise. I think maybe accel fuel needs adjust. I'll find that out when I log a cruise, weather permitting (No top.) Thanks for taking a look. I'll post what I find with the plugs.

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