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Rich on low rpm cruise

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Sorry, at a wedding. Fix it tonight

Dashboard 25 is a 30 second idle. I did lower the IAC. Dashboard 24 is a cruise and a big file. I'll try to copy the place where I get rich AFRs.

Seems we may be having some technical difficulty.  We recently made some website changes.  Now Dropbox links are giving us trouble.  Let me get are web guy on it.  Sorry for the troubles.

Wow, its not something I did wrong? Thats a first!

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Here is a pdf excerpt of a log at cruise. Don't understand why the actual AFR and target AFR are that far off.

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If I was going to change to using timing control, should I wait till I get the fuel issues sorted before I switch over, or could this help with that?

Is the website fixed yet? Do I need to resend the logs?

bdhulderman, Are you using timing control? The reason I ask is that I read that the FiTech ecu is less susceptible to rf/emi when using timing control because the Tach wire is so sensitive. I got some resistor plugs and am awaiting delivery of a Magnecore  KV85 wire set. Are you able to read the pdf file log i uploaded? If so, any ideas to lean out the AFR where its going richer than the target AFR? Thanks

I am not using timing control, because I have HEI distributor.  I did put a sleeve over my tach wire to insulate it, and have spiral core wires, which are suppose to be ok to prevent interference.  A couple things look funny to me in the log.  Looks like the IAC steps are pretty high, TPS always reads 0 even though the RPM seems pretty high, much higher than your target rpm, also there is a fault 1 of 74, not sure what that means, and run state is dash instead of idle, which looks odd to me.  Definitely seems like something is going wrong that may be interference related.  You do have a good ground wire directly to your fitech right?  I would also try to shield your tach wire like I did also.

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